Carrying out of capital and maintenance repair work at the transformer points, TL, decreasing of losses in order to supply the consumers with quality and regular electric power, prevent of any problems are the main orders standing in front of us. At present, reconstruction and repair – restoration work are implemented in the line of renewing of electric networks and their stability belonging to balance of “Ganja Electric Network” as at other distribution electric networks. Stability and qaulity were increased, extreme loadings were eliminated as a result of carried out purposeful measures.
According to the information given by mentioned enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, 59 transformers were repaired and put into operation during carried out different setting repair work within last three months of the current year. At the same time, 1,3 km of the lines by 10, 6 and 0,4 kV were repaired.
Lets` noted that, 15,3 km SIL type line was installed and about 600 meters were constrcuted at the enterprise service territory in the line of reconstruction work.
As the source informed, loads of measures were implemented in the line of preventing of violations of rule of electric power and these type of measures are continued. So that, constantly the measures are operated at the enterprise service territory and violations of rule of electric power of 3 consumers were discovered. And more than 11 00 manat use value of about 199 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. Beside paying of this sum, the debtor debts of last months were also repaying.
It should be noted at the end that, more than 80 infringements were observed at the enterprise during 7 months of the current year. As a result of it more than 444 00 manat use value of about 7413 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. More than 69 % of this sum was repaid and relevant measures are carried out in the line of repaying of the remainder sum.
By the way, two documents of the consumers who has lots of violations of rule were sent to law machinery for carrying out of relevant measures.