Loads of measures were carried out at “Siyazan Electric Network” in order to improve energy supply in the beginning of a year. Total length of TL by 6 – 10 kV is 540 km and the length of the lines by 0,4 kV is 600 km. 111 balance and 282 non – balance transformers are feed from 26 TL by 10 and 6 kV. Total number of the subscribers is more than 9 thousand. And approximately 833 of them belongs to private consumers group, about 800 belongs to commercial group.
According to the information given by mentioned enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, carried out large scaled measures are in the center of the attention. Measures were operated at Dagh Gushchu TL by 10 kV, the same tensioned Chingil – Zavod, BSU – 9 by 6 kV, Aghdash, number 29 – 15, Saghlojan, Zarat TL. So that, cables were stretched out and 30 stands were substituted with new ones. At the same time, capital and maintenance repair work were operated at Eynibulag, Beshdam, Aghbash, Gara Siyezen, Zarat, Kichik Hemye, Boyuk Hemye villages and at some streets of the region center under the TL by 0,4 kV. Cables were stretched, the stands were made at the TL by 0,4 kV.
Lets` noted stressing to the source, 22 transformer points were repaired at Siyazan city, Gil Gilchay settlement, Zarat and Yenikend village. One new transformer by 100 KVA was constructed at Kichik Hemye village and put into operation.
Illegally use of electric power by some consumers is one of problems observed there – noted enterprise is also give information about that, acts drawn up in the line of it is about 200.