There are still observed interferes to meter complete in spite of carried out reconstruction work at the networks, construction of meter account complete in the special boxes and without obstacles places, strengthening of supervision to meter account complete and propaganda work carried out among them. They are discovered by our collaborators and hard measures are operated against them.
According to the information given by “Hajigabul Electric Network” (EN) to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, violations of rule of electric power of more than 110 consumers were discovered at the enterprise service territory during carried out spot – checks within 7 months of 2012. Discovered infringements were relevantly acted and more than 1046 00 manat use value of more than 1 million 7439 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. More than 21 % of this sum was repaid as a result of carried out relevant measures and corresponding measures are operated in the line of paying of the remainder sum.
Lets` noted that, 28 statements of violations of rule were discovered in July of the current year and more than 47 00 manat use value of more than 79 thousand kWh loosed electric power was restored. Beside paying of this sum, the debtor debts of last months were also repaid.
Use of electric power with card system is one of the measures making opportunity for preventing of violations of rule of electric power. The measures in the line of it are continued at the service territory of EN – noted source was also give information about carried out repair – restoration work during last three months of the current year.
Lets` noted stressing to the source, about 140 meter coaxial cable was installed at the entry of the meters in order to construction of smart – card type meters in accordance to reconstruction work during mentioned period. Different setting repair work was implemented at more than 4,7 km of the lines by 10 kV. At the same time, repair work was operated at the lines by 0,4 kV.
It should be noted at the end that, repair work was also implemented at the transformer points (TP) belonging to balance. So that, different setting repair work was operated at 6 TP, at the same time, 4 transformers by 920 KVA were repaired and put into operation.
Fire safety is also in the center of the attention under the network. At present, the territory of TP was cleaned of dry grass in order to intended climate condition and oil gravel of oil capacious equipments were substituted with new ones.
Energy suppliers are trying to handle their work well in the line of successfully finishing of the following season.