Technical service is carried out for all units in accordance to intended graphic at “Astara Power Plant” as at all energy systems of the Republic. As a result of it, there were not observed any problem as last year and during 7 months of the current year. According to the information given by the power plant to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, the enterprise plays the main role in supplying of the Southern region with without break electric power during 7 months of the current year. So that, 179,4 million kWh electric power was produced during mentioned period.
Lets` noted that, collective had a good work regime and 23,8 million kWh electric power was generated.
Other energy objects are also meeting daily requirement. At present, the power plant is operated under the dispatch office – noted source is also added information about that, high results were achieved as a result of carried out purposeful measures in the line of increasing of work liability of the equipments and rising of exploitation level, stabile work regime of energy distribution and transmission systems.
Under the information given by source about intended repair – restoration work, the units number 3, 8, 9 and other units were maintenance checked up.
As the source informed, fire safety matter in also in the center of the attention in accordance to summer season. So that, the territory of the power plants and s/s were cleaned of dry grass. Cable channels are tighten with room durable material at the s/s. At the same time, primary fire extinguisher means were systematically controlled and discovered indispositions were discovered and relevant measures were operated.
It should be noted that, measures are constantly continued in order to save security and stabile regime of the power plant during autumn - winter season.
Lets` remind that, this power plant consisting of 10 units total power by 87 MW.