
Necessary measures were implemented in the line of supplying of the consumers with quality and stabile electric power at “Imishli Electric Network” during the first half year of the current year, as previous years. The following preparation measures to autumn – winter season is executed in high level beside current years.

According to the information given by the network to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, 101,2  million kWh was used under the region during the first half year of the current year. The subscribers are supplied with smart – card type meters at the region center. Measures are continued in the line of improving of energy supply at the villages and settlements. In general, about 2,7 km SIL type cable, more than 18 km cable were installed and lots of meters were constructed. At the same time, different powered 45 transformers were repaired and put into operation.

Lets` noted that, 57 stands were substituted with new ones, 14 iron – concrete stands were grounded during repair work. Oil was added to big transformers serviced s/s by 35/10 kV. In general, different powered 58 transformers were repaired and put into operation under region territory.

By the way, substituting of cable and conductors with new ones, changing of the stands, carrying out of repair work at the transformers are intended for supporting of the consumers of Aranli, Garalar, Khelfeli, Sarkhanli, Jeferli, Garagashli, Murselli, Khoshchobanli, Mirghuzalli, Gulubeyli, Aghammedli, Orujlu, Gizilkend, Mehemmedli, Yalavaj, Resullu and at other villages.

It should be noted at the end that, lots of measures are implemented in the line of paying of use value of electric energy, collecting of the debtor debts, preventing of violations of rule of electric power.