Capital and maintenance repair work were implemented at the transformer points, TL in order to supply the consumers with quality and regular electric power and prevent of any problems at “Shirvan EN” as at other electric networks (EN).
According to the information given by the source to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, 1,3 km distance of high voltaged TL (10 and 6 kV) was repaired during last three months of the current year. In additional, about 1,7 km cable was installed at the entry of the meters, some part of the lines by 0,4 kV was substituted with SIL type cables in accordance to construction of smart card type meters.
Lets` noted that, repair work was also implemented at the transformer points. So that, different setting repair work was operated at five TP during mentioned period.
Carried out measures in the line of decreasing of technical losses in the construction of smart – card type meters and preventing of illegal use of electric power are one of these type measures – stressing source was also give information about discovered violations of rule during carried out spot – checks.
Under the information given by the source, violations of rule of electric power of 13 consumers were discovered as a result of carried out measures at the enterprise service territory during 6 months of the current year. And about 41 00 manat use value of more than 676 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. The sum was totally repaid as a result of carried out relevant measures and these type of measures are operating in the line of repaying of the remainder sum.
It should be noted at the end that, fire safety measures were also operated there. By the way, fire safety has been already supported at oil capacious equipments, the territory of TL, TP were cleaned of dry grass and additional things. Base and frame of the transformers were cleaned of dirty oil cover.