
Lots of repair and technical inspection work were implemented in order to increase of work efficiency at the transformer points and at TL, at all s/s, complete transformer points and some measures were carried out in the line of supplying of stabile and regular work of energy transmission and distribution systems, increasing of exploitation level. By the way, reconstruction and different setting systemic considerable repair work were implemented in order to preparation to the following autumn – winter season.

According to the information given by REN to the Press – release of Azerenergy” JSC, construction work of auto transformer by 240 MVA at “Imishli” s/s by 330 kV in the line of  Public Program was over. At present, safety management and automatic figures were programmed. After finishing of these measures the auto transformers will be connected to normal circuit. In additional, the transformer number 2 was substituted with new one in order to increase stability.

Lets` noted that, the transformer by 7,5 MVA at “Sighirli Darti” s/s by 10 MVA working at “Soltanli” s/s by 110 kV in extreme loading regime were substituted with much more powerful ones – with the ones by 25 MVA and 10 MVA. At the same time, analogical measures were implemented at “Sabirabad” s/s. So that, the transformer by 31,5 MVA number 2 was substituted with the one by 40 MVA. Oil circuit breaker was substituted with insulating gas breaker. The transformer by 2,4 MVA was  substituted with the one by 4 MVA at “Seyidler” and “Vidadi – 1” s/s by 35 kV,  the transformer by 4 MVA was  substituted with the one by 6,3 MVA at “Gish Yataghi” s/s. Different setting repair work were implemented at “Kurdamir”, “Deyirman”, “Yuxari Shirvan” and at other s/s. Lets` also noted that, more than 440 transformers belonging to EN balance were also repaired and put into operation.

Under other information given by the source, repair work was operated, surround of  the stands  and the trace line were cleaned of green mass at the III Imishli, the III Shirvan TL by 330 kV. Some mid stands, lots of insulators and AC – 150  marked conductor in 2,2 km length were substituted with new ones during carried out repair work at the I, II Imishli TL by 110 kV.

By the way, mid wooden and anchor stands were substituted with  new iron and anchor stands in order to strengthening of stability of “Khalaj”, “Aghjabadi”, “Garalar” TL by 35 kV.

Relevant measures in the line of fire safety are implemented in accordance to climate condition. By the way, the territory of s/s and the trace of TL were cleaned of dry grass, the level of oil capacious equipments was controlled. Fire extinguisher means were substituted with new ones in accordance to exploitation level.

It should be noted at the end that, two extreme loaded transformers each power by 10 MVA were substituted with the ones each power by 16 MVA at “Dahsburun” s/s in order to increase of stability during autumn – winter season.