
Serious preparation is carried out for autumn – winter season by the collective of Aghjabadi Electric Network”. Scale of  carried out measures is large in the line of relevant measures plan. 25 transformers by 10/0,4 kV are maintenance repaired and put into operation. Grounding of lots of iron – concrete stands at the TL by 0,4 and 10 kV is supported.

According to the information given by mentioned enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, normalizing of the situation of electricity economy at the region center is in the center of the attention. At present, renovation work is started at U. Hajibeyov and Garabagh streets. Some of the stands were also substituted with new ones.  In additional,  some of the cables at the street were substituted with much more quality ones and with SIL type cables for supporting of safety.

Lets` noted that, in general, about 143 million kWh electric energy was produced under the network during the first half – year. Serious progress was implemented in the line of collecting of energy value transmitted to the consumers.