Lots of repair – restoration and reconstruction work were carried out at “Baghlar Electric Network” belonging to “Sumgait REN” LLC which is one of big energy enterprises of the state. According to the information given by energy object to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, restoration of the transformer points, construction of new wires, substituting of new insulators, mending of the stands and other measures are belonging to repair work.
As the source informed, oil circuit breakers were changed, different powered transformers were maintenance repaired at “Mehdiabad”, “Bagh” TL by 6 kV and “Mahammadli” TL by 10 kV belonging to REN balance in order to decreasing of technical losses and much more increasing of stability during last three months of the current year.
“Sarigaya” s/s by 35/6 kV, “Novkhani” and “Goredil” bagh TL are belonging to repair – restoration work. Lets` noted that, analogical repair – restoration work was implemented, the equipments and subsidiary equipments are normalized and put into operation. Construction and substituting of SIL type cables under “Baghlar” EN and belonging to reconstruction work.
Beside all of them, fire safety measures were also successfully carried out under the network. Getting of fire extinguisher suits, creating of fire extinguisher suits, controlling of knowledge of the staff, relevantly controlling of fire procreating, controlling of low and high voltage distribution equipments are belonging to these type of measures. As the source informed, Baghlar electric network is totally ready to available climate condition in the line of fire safety and technical indicators at “Baghlar” electric network and it is normally operating.
According other information given by the source, violations of rule of electric power of 47 consumers (40 of them belongs to private consumer group) were discovered during carried out spot – checks at the enterprise service territory in June of the current year. Discovered infringements were relevantly acted and about 59 00 manat use value of about 976 00 kWh (908 00 of them belongs to private consumer group) loosed electric power was restored. More than 95 % of this sum was repaid as a result of carried out relevant measures.
As the source informed, violations of rule of electric power of more than 320 consumers (more than 300 belongs to private consumer group) were discovered during 6 months of the current year. As a result of it, more than 525 00 manat use value of more than 8757 00 kWh (about 554 thousand belongs to private consumer group) loosed electric power was restored. About 60 % of this sum was repaid during financial period and relevant measures are implementing in the line of repaying of the remainder sum.