“Baku Thermal Electric Center” is one of the power plants was put into operation in the line of much more increasing of generation power, strengthening of electric energy support of developing economy in accordance to modern technologies. Seasonal preparation work is continued at this power plant specialized not only in electric but also in thermal energy production.
According to the information given by the enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, about 266,5 million kWh electric power was produced during 6 months of the current year in accordance to the dispatch graphic. High results were achieved under other technical economical indicators as a result of carried out purposeful measures in the line of increasing of work stability of the equipments, rising of regular and stabile work of energy transmission and distribution systems.
Lets` noted that, about 47,5 million kWh electric power was generated in June of the current year.
Under the information given by the source about carried out repair - construction work during last three months of the current year, all engines of gas turbine installation number 2 was repaired. The generator was also capital repaired and at present, inspection work is continued at this installation. Additional pick boiler was repaired. Beside all of them, different setting repair work was implemented at GTI number 1.
By the way, different setting repair work was also implemented at chemical scheme, sea water line, air compressors and at the equipments of other subsidiary spheres.
It should be noted that, repair work was implemented at the s/s by 110 kV. So that, the cable of the transformer number 8 was repaired at the s/s by 110 kV. So that, the cable of the transformer number 8 was repaired and the transformer was controlled. Oil circuit breaker by 110 kV of the second “VIII km” TL was repaired, the circuit by 35 kV of the IX TL was also repaired. Repair work of the transformer number 10, black oil pumps, cleaning of valves and other measures belongs to these type of measures. Implemented work measures are rich enough.
It should be noted at the end that, fire safety is also in the center of the attention in accordance to climate condition. So that, fire extinguisher means were controlled, the territory was cleaned of dry grass and mass can happen fire.
Lets` noted at the end that, intended measures are continued under the graphic in order to preparation to autumn – winter season.
Lets` remind that, two gas turbine installation each power by 53,5 MW is operated at Baku TEC.