
The first half year was succesfully finished by the collective of Aghdam Electric Network (EN) operated at «Mingachevir REN» LLC. Some technical – economical  measures were implemented by energy suppliers at the front line. It makes positive influence in repaying of use value in order to supply the consumers with quality and regular electric power.  According to the information given by mentioned enterprise to the Press – release of Azerenergy JSC, capital and maintenance repair work was implemented at 6,7 km distance of  TL by 10 kV in accordance to applied repair graphic. These type of repair work was implemented at 8 km distance of the lines by 0,4 kV. In additional, repair work was carried out  at the transformer economy, 64 transformer points by 10/0,4 kV were maintenance repaired. Nine transformers by 10/0,4 kV were capital repaired and connected to the network. Necessary safety measures were implemented at 12 transformer points.

Lets` noted that, 17 stands at Elefli line by 10 kV, 5 stands at Chemenli line was substituted with new ones, new electric meters were constructed at 436 flats, damaged 310 meters were changed.  It should be noted that, carried out measures in the line of much more quality supplying of energy support is continued. At present, corresponding measures are implemented in order to supply fire safety.