
Sengachal Power Plant which takes one of the main places among commissioned generation power during last years, is operated in accordance to the dispatch graphic. Put into operation of the power plant plays the main role in improving of electric power supply with quality and quantity of  Baku and Absheron peninsula, at the same time, in increasing of system stability.   In general, the technology applied there is new and modern type, that is why is in high level. The difference is in that, in additional gas fuel, black oil is also used there. Technical service was implemented for all units consisting of piston type  engines and as a result of it, technical economical indicators are in high level.  According  to the information given by the power plant to the Press – release of Azerenergy JSC, more than 344,6 million kWh, by the way about 115,4 million kWh electric power was generated during last three months and in June of the current year.

Lets` noted that, 726,3 million kWh electric power was produced during the I half – year of the current year.

The source is also informed that, all the measures are carried out in accordance to daily requirements at the power plant. At present, activated units are in normal work regime. Maintenance check – up was implemented for machines after finishing of 500 hours work regime. Discovered  indispositions were eliminated during exploitation period and after second control was put into operation.

By the way, following control was operated for 10 units activated there during last three months of the current year. Repair work is carried out by the repair brigade at the enterprise. Observed indispositions are eliminated by local specialists.

It should be noted that, maintenance repair work was implemented at subsidiary equipments during mentioned period.

By the way, fire safety is in the center of the attention in accordance to available climate condition. Against fire, technical – safety and against accidents training are implemented there.

Lets` remind that, total power of the power plant is 300 MW. 18 piston type units each power by 16,7 MW were constructed. Produced electric energy is transmitted by 6 transformers by 63 MVA and the same number TL by 110 kV.