
Electric power specialists are carried out repair – restoration and reconstruction work during hot summer days. Intended orders are executed at Ganja Regional Electric Network during first quarter of a year.

According to the information given by REN to the Press – release of Azerenergy JSC about increasing of exploitation level and supplying of stability at energy transmission sphere, necessery measures were implemented at TL by 35, 110, 330 and 500 kV. Repair brigade were  changed lots of insulators. At the same time, 96,5 km distance of TL was capital repaired.

Lets` noted that, exploitation of the electric equipments and at repair sphere in normal work regime. Modern type oil circuit breakers were constructed at Ganja – 1 s/s by 110 kV, the I and II Melkhior, the V – VI Ganja TL by 110 kV. At the same time, the transformer by  2,5 MVA was substituted with the transformer by 6,3 MVA at Yenikend s/s by 110 kV. Disconnector, line disconnector and oil circuit breakers were constructed for the transformer by 6,3 MVA. Additionally line disconnector by 35 kV was connected to the transformer number 2.

As the source informed, repair men are not finished with these measures. The transformer number 1 was substituted with new ones. In additional, bus bridge by 6 kV, vacuum breakers and complete switch yard by 6 kV were constructed. Special use transformers by 40 KVA were exploitated.

It should be noted that, these type measures were implemented at different s/s. The transformer number 1 and 2 was substituted  with modern type by 25 MW at Zeyem s/s.  Analogical steps were taken at the same tensioned Alabashi s/s. Two transformers (number 1 and 2) were substituted with new ones. Special use transformer by 63 KVA was constructed at s/s number 2. Analogical measures are  implemented and continued presently.