All prediction indicators were achieved during last months of the current year by the collective of Azerbaijan TPP as always which is the biggest energy enterprise of Southern Caucasus.
According to the information given by the power plant to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, about 420,4 million kWh electric power was produced in May of the current year.
Lets` noted that, more than 3 milliard 475,3 million kWh electric power was generated during 5 months of the current year.
It should be noted that, other technical – economical indicators under electric energy production are also in normal regime at the enterprise.
According to the information given by “Shamkir ” HPP Chain which is one of huge hydro power engineering installation, 551,5 million kWh energy was generated by the workers of mentioned enterprise during last months of a year. And 380,7 million kWh belongs to “Shamkir” HPP, 170,8 million kWh belongs to “Yenikend” HPP.
Only in May, 123,7 million kWh was produced at “Shamkir” HPP and 51,5 million kWh was generated by “Yenikend” HPP.
By the way, repair – restoration work are implemented at both power plants under affirmed plan – graphics. Receiving and transferring spring – summer flood water is normally continued at both power plants. All fire dangerous objects are in the center of the attention.