Carried out preparation work was also implemented at energy objects of Sumgait. Important measures were carried out at transformer points (TP) and at TL in the line of totally supplying of the consumers with quality and stabile electric power and increasing of technological losses in energy transmission at Sumgait Electric Network (EN) as at other energy enterprises during last months.
In general, intended measures were operated at TL and TP belonging to the enterprise balance under the repair graphic during last three months of the current year.
According to the information given by the enterprise to the Press – release of Azerenergy JSC, more than 530 meter SIL type cable and about 150 meter AVVG type cable was installed, different setting repair work were implemented at 28 cable line. At the same time, about 6 km AS marced conductor and 10 stands were substituted with new ones.
Lets` noted that, different setting repair work were implemented at TP belonging to the enterprise balance during mentioned period, by the way, two transformers total power by 1,4 MVA were repaired and put into operation.
Under other information given by the source, fire safety measures is also in the center of the attention. At present, the territory of TC were cleaned of dry grass taking into account of present climate condition and fire safety.
Energy suppliers are assiduosly try in the line of over the season successfully – stressing source was also noted that, illegal use of electric power is prevented.
It should be noted that, violations of rule of electric power of 1200 consumers were observed (110 of them belongs to private consumer group) at the enterprise service territory during 5 months of the current year. Discovered indispositions were relevantly acted and more than 174 thousand use value of about 2 million 9007 00 kWh (more than 2 million 85 thousand belongs to private consumer group) loosed electric power was restored. About 68 % of this sum was repaid as a result of carried out measures and relevant measures are implemented in the line of repaying of the remainder sum.