Baku Thermal Power Plant which was reconstructed thanks to great leader Haydar Aliyev`s initiative takes the main place in thermal and electric energy supply of the capital. Productive exploitation of the equipment’s and carried out normative requirements are increased of stability of the power plant. And it makes opportunity for improving of technical – economical indicators.
According to the information given by the enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, more than 42,6 million kWh electric power was produced in May of the current year. Thermal energy transmission was 144 00 h/col. In general, 219 million kWh electric power was generated during 5 months of the current year. At the same time, more than 174 thousand h/col thermal energy was transmitted.
By the way, save was achieved at electric and also at thermal energy transmission as a result of carried out purposeful measures in the line of increasing of work liability of the equipment’s, supplying of stabile and quality work regime of energy transmission and distribution systems.
Under other information given by the source, different setting repair work were implemented at pick boilers, at the equipment’s of gas – turbine installation number 1 and 2, steam and fire lines, compressor economy and at sea water line.
At present, preparation work to the next autumn – winter season is carried out in high level. Especially good mention of thermal network is in the center of the attention. Inspection of reinforcement part of pick boiler and the pumps and other measures are belongs to these type of measures. At the same time, substituting of 8 oil circuit breakers by 110 kV belonging to TEC with insulating gas breakers is intended.
Lets` remind that, two gas – turbine installations by 53,5 MW is operated at Baku TEC.