
Capital and maintenance repair work have been successful continued in order to much more improve of technical economical indicators of “Shirvan Regional Electric Network” (REN) which plays one of the main role in power supply of southern regions during last three months of the current year.

Lets` noted that, the network is serviced TL and s/s of Masalli, Lankaran, Lerik, Yardimli, Jalilabad, Bilasuvar, Neftchala, Salyan, Hajigabul and Garadagh regions and Alat settlement.

According to the information given by REN to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, different setting repair work was implemented at the IV  “Shirvan” TL by 330 kV, the I, II “Shirvan” TL by 220 kV in order to supply the consumers of above mentioned regions and settlements with stabile and quality electric power. By the way, about 37 km part of these lines was capital repaired.

Repair work was also operated  at OHL by 110, 35 kV belonging to balance. Changing of insulators, capital repair of the lines, construction of line reinforcements, substituting of oil circuit breakers and the stands with new ones are included to these type repair work. So that, more than 16 km distance of the lines had been capital  repaired.

As the source informed, repair – restoration work was also implemented at s/s located at service territory of the enterprise. So, the transformer by 2,5 MVA  at “Shorsulu” s/s by 35 kV was repaired and connected to the network. At the same time, transformers number 1 and 2 total power by 6,5 MVA and their oil circuit breakers were repaired at Lerik s/s. Beside all of them, 16 different setting transformers were capital and maintenance repaired and was put into normal work regime at Abdulabad, Goytepe, Liman and at other relevant s/s.

It should be noted that, execution realized measures make opportunity for supplying of high stability at energy conductors.

The territory was cleaned of dry grass, oil level was controlled in accordance to fire safety. At the same time, automatic fire extinguisher equipment was inspected and good repaired.

As the network informed, implemented and presently continued repair  - restoration work is one of the taken important steps in the line of supply of power safety in high level. And these type measures are systematically continued.