In spite of Azerbaijan Republic has more than a century power engineering history, establishing of independent power system and energy safety of our independent state was begun thanks to carried out purposeful measures of great leader Haydar Aliyev in 70-80`s of last century. One of this type of objects is Shamkir Hydro Power Plant Chain constructed owing to initiative, intensive work and directly close participation of our great leader.
According to the information given by the enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, more than 167,9 million kWh electric power was produced in April of the current year and it is 2,1 million kWh more than predicted. From this capacity 52,7 million was generate by “Yenikend” HPP, 115,2 million was produced by “Shamkir” HPP.
By the way, at present, two hydro units total power by 380 MW are in good repair. The hydro unit number 2 has been already maintenance repaired. Three stool cranes and 2 bridge cranes are in normal work regime. Beside it, 13 transformers and 8 compressor equipments are also in normal work regime. Repair work and prophylactic checking are continued at the equipments and installations of power plant. Receiving and transmission of flood water is also continued in 2012.
Maintenance repair work was implemented at hydro units number 1 and 4 of “Yenikend” HPP. Other 2 hydro units are normally operating.
In general, work regime is meeting days requirements at mentioned objects as at other energy objects.
Lets` remind that, “Shamkir” and “Yenikend” HPP are belonging to the chain.