
Measures are improved at transmission and distribution networks. Necessary measures are carried out in the line of protection of extreme loadings of the equipments and high temperature of weather.

According to the information given by “Tovuz Electric Network” (EN) to the Press – release of Azerenergy” JSC, about available situation at the transformer points (TP) and networks by 10, 6 and 0,4 kV. Total quantity of TL by 10 and 6 kV is 54 and total quantity of TP by 205,4 MVA is 1564 at the network territory.

As the source informed, exploitation work is operated there under intended graphic. The stands were substituted with much more quality ones, wires were changed where necessary. Apart from that, load of much more loaded transformer points is decreased and these consumers are connected to other TP. And it  makes positive influence to decreasing of losses and improving of stability. More than 2,7 km distance of TL by 10 and 6 kV was repaired. At the same time more than 2,1 km part of this line was put into normal work regime during carried out repair work at the lines by 0,4 kV.

Lets` noted that, different setting repair work was implemented at TP belonging to the balance, by the way, 26 transformers and 3 TP were repaired.

In general, all necessary work is executed in the line season preparation at the enterprise electric equipments.  Systematically spot – checks were operated in order to strengthening of supervision to meter account complete. Violations of rule of electric power of more than 45 consumers were discovered at the enterprise service territory in April of the current year. Discovered infringements were relevantly acted and about 13100 manat use value of more than 2177 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. About 40 % of this sum was repaid during financial period.

By the way, the damages were observed at meter complete of 167 consumers during 4 months of the current year and abut 41 thousand manat use value of more than 6288 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. More than 50 % of this sum was repaid as a result of carried out measures and relevant measures are implemented in the line of repaying of the remainder sum.