One of this type energy production enterprises is “Shaki Power Plant”. Power engineering specialist are assiduously try and achieve success in this sphere.
It was noted in the information given by power plant to the press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC.
Lets` noted that, technical – economical indicators are achieved during 4 months of the current year and about 105 million kWh electric power was generated instead of 103 million kWh.
By the way, about 22,8 million kWh electric power was produced in April of the current year and it is 867 thousand more than predicted.
Lets` also noted stressed to the source, all the units are in normal work regime. Technical matters are in the center of the attention, maintenance check up was carried out in time and necessary measures are operated. At present the units are operated in accordance to graphic.
According to the information given by the source, beside repair – restoration work, renovation and greening work was also implemented. By the way, decorative and fruit trees are specially serviced. At the same time, a lot of measures are implemented in the line of improving of work regime of the workers. Relevant measures are implemented in order to increase exploitation and knowledge level of the staff. As a result of it, unhappy situations and productional damaging were not observed till today.
Fire safety is in center of the attention as at other enterprises. Workshops, administrative and subsidiary buildings were supplied with fire extinguisher equipments, the territory was cleaned of dry grass and mass.
Lets` remind that, this power plant is consisting of 10 aggregates total power by 87 MW.