

Large scaled reconstruction, at the same time capital and maintenance repair work were implemented in order to supply stabile and quality electric power support of the consumers of EN included to Ganja Regional Electric Network (REN) management structure.

According to the information given by Ganja electric network (EN) to the Press – release of Azerenergy” JSC, energy supply is supported with 132 TL by 10 and 6 kV, 1038 TP by 460 MVA at the enterprise service territory.

Lets` noted that, different setting repair work was carried out at 1,3 km distance of TL by 6 and 10 kV belonging to the enterprise balance.

Under other information given by the source, repair work was also implemented at 28 TP.

By the way, carried out work in the line of stabile supplying with electric power is continued. Taking into account of present climate condition, the territory of TP and CTP were cleaned of dry grass, fire extinguisher posts were checked out. At the same time, oil gravels were substituted with new ones.

Implemented repair – restoration work makes opportunity for repaying of energy fees, much more increasing of exploitation level, at the same time, preventing of energy fees. Violations of rule of electric power of 16 consumers were discovered and more than 13200 manat use value of more than 2206 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. 21 % of this sum was repaid during the financial period.

It should be noted that, 55 infringements were discovered during 4 months of the current year and use value of more than 614500 kWh loosed electric power was restored.

47 % of this sum was repaid and relevant measures are implemented in the line of repaying of the remainder sum.

According to the information given by the source, there are still observed use of electric power by the edge line and most of them belongs to private consumer group.