Baku Thermal Electric Center is one of the power plants which was reconstructed and put into operation in the line of strengthening of electric power supply after restoring of the state independence. This power engineering enterprise plays important role not only in electric power supply of the capital but also in thermal power support of the capital. Exploitation of the equipments and carrying out of measures in accordance to available normative requirements are increased stability of the power plant. And it plays the main role in much more improving of technical indicators. At present, the power plant is operated under the dispatcher graphic.
According to the information given by mentioned enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, 46 million kWh electric power was predicted but more than 46,7 million kWh electric power was produced. Generation of thermal energy was about 407 00 h/c.
Lets` noted that, about 1515 million kWh electric power was produced and it is 1,5 million kWh more than predicted. At the same time, 1385 00 h/c was predicted but about 1404 00 h/c thermal energy was generated.
By the way, save in important level was achieved under electric and thermal energy transmission in the line of increasing of work stability of the equipments, rising of regular work regime of energy transmission and distribution systems. Under other information given by the source, different setting repair work were implemented at pick boilers, at the equipments of gas – turbine installations number 1 and 2, water, steam and fire lines of black oil economy, at compressor economy, at sea water lines. Beside all of them, different setting repair work were carried out at the territory of s/s by 110 kV. At the same time, repair work were operate at electric engines and other subsidiary equipments. The list of carried out work is generally enough rich.
Lets` remind that, two gas – turbine installations each power by 53,5 MW are operated at Baku TEC.