
The units were technically serviced in accordance to exploitation level at Astara power plant (PP) which was constructed at the expense of internal opportunities with supplying of the most modern technology as at all energy objects of the republic. At present, the units are operated in accordance to the dispatch graphic.

The power plant is operated in normal work regime since put into operation till today (01.04.2012) and more than 2 milliard 443 million kWh electric power was produced.

According to the information given by the power plant to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, the collective are successfully spent this hard winter and about 285 million kWh electric power was restored, it is 100 thousand more than predicted.

Lets` noted that, the enterprise plays the main role in supplying of the southern region with without interval electric power during the I quarter of the current year. So that, 844 million kWh electric power was predicted but 85 million kWh was produced. At the same time, the following technical service was carried out for 7 units. Relevant measures were implemented at the power plant in order to protection of spring – summer flood.

By the way, at present, the following technical service was implemented at the unit number 5.

It should be noted that, high results were achieved in the line of increasing of work liability, supplying of stabile work of energy transmission and distribution and rising of exploitation level.

Under the information given by the source, collective are assiduously try supply the consumers with quality and stabile electric power and successfully achievement of prediction.

It should be noted at the end that, against fire measures are strengthening in accordance to summer season. For this purpose, around of s/s by 110 kV was ploughed, fire extinguisher means were controlled, discovered indispositions were eliminated.

Lets` remind that, total power of this power plant consisting of 10 units is 87 MW in accordance to public program.