
Repair – restoration and reconstruction work were implemented at transformer points (TP) and TL in order to prevent of any problem at electric energy supply sphere in time of Shaki and Gakh electric network (EN) as at other energy objects.

According to the information given by Shaki EN to the Press – release of Azerenergy” JSC, different setting repair work were implemented at “Inja – Zunud”, “K.Dahna”, “Suchma” and at other TL by 10 kV, by the way, about 7,4 km line was repaired. About 1,3 km line by 0,4 kV was repaired at Kohne Dahna, Jafarabad, Sarija, Bilajik, Verezet villages and at Shaki city.

Lets` noted that, different setting repair work were carried out at 22 TP belonging to the enterprise during mentioned period.

Totally about 5,4 km  TL by 0,4 kV was repaired at Gakh and Meshebash, Alatamir, Amirjan, Goraghan villages of “Gakh” EN. At the same time,  capital and maintenance repair work was carried out at  about 7 km part of TL by 10 kV coming out of s/s located at the region territory.

Lets` also noted that, beside all of them, different setting repair work was implemented at 16 TP during last three months.

In additional, some measures  are carried out in order to prevent of energy losses. For this purpose, substituting work was carried out and measures in the line of moving of meters to without obstacles places in order to prevent of illegal use of electric power is continued.

Under the information given by the source, the equipments of the enterprise is totally ready to climate condition, not intending of emergency situations.