
Much more increasing of service quality of the consumers, saving of technological losses in definite limit, preventing of commercial looses, supplying of 100 %  result for used electric power scarf are the main orders standing in front of us. By the way, measures in the line of strengthening  of electric power support is successfully continued during last three months.

According to the information given by Gazakh Electric Network” (EN) to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, different setting repair work was implemented at about 8 km distance of TL by 10 and 0,4 kV during mentioned period.

Lets` noted that, number of repaired transformers is 16 and total power is 5,7 MVA in the line of carried out repair work at the transformers and complete transformer points.

Some relevant measures were implemented in order to strengthened   electric power supply at “Aghstafa” EN.  So that, 1 transformer point was capital repaired, 12 were maintenance repaired. At the same time, 11 transformers total power more than 4 MVA were repaired and put into operation.

Lets` also noted stressing to the source, TL was also repaired. So that, different setting repair work were implemented at more than 5,1 km part of TL by 10 and 6 kV and 1 km part.

By the way, under the information given by both sources, the  equipments were inspected, the territory was cleaned of dry grass at TP and CTP.

It should be noted at the end that, beside carried out repair – restoration work, increasing of exploitation level is also in the center of the attention. Reconstruction of energy economy and repair work will be continued beside other measures.