“Mingachevir Hydro Power Plant Chain” total power by 400 MW which is the first huge hydro power engineering enterprise operated at the republic takes the main role in the state energy system, by the way, in increasing of pick power.
According to the information given by the enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, 122 million kWh electric power was predicted but 123 million kWh was produced.
Only “Mingachevir Hydro Power Plant” from the chain produced energy – stressing source, gave also information about construction work.
Lets` noted under the information given by the source, combining of hydro generator number 3 to new turbine was carried out.
Lets` also noted that, foundation work was implemented at water receiver installation for renewing of hydraulic lifting. Beside it, many-branched work was implemented at new SY by 110 kV. Foundation work is continued at SY by 220 and 330 kV. Construction of the III and IV floor of head office shield is started. Repair work was over at unfinished building and construction work is carried out.
By the way, repair work is continued at “Varvara” HPP which is the second part of the chain. Some part of hydro unit number 1 was collected. Construction of the parts of turbines of hydro unit number 2 and 3 is continued.