According to the information given by “Fuzuli Electric Network” (EN) to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, use was increased in January of the current year in comparison with previous period at the enterprise service territory. So that, there is no enough alternative energy sources, that is why inhabitants are supplying their all daily requirements with electric energy.
Lets` also noted stressing to the source, Fuzuli was supplied with stabile electric power during this severe winter season except of some short time opening situations as a result of hard snowing. These type of situation were prevented by accident – repair brigade in time.
Lets` noted that, the main reason of without interval electric energy is mending and repair work at all electric equipments and OHL during summer of last year. Stability of available transmission and distribution equipments is supplying at 23 villages of the region and at the settlements where refugees live.
By the way, graphic of preparation measures to the next autumn – winter season is organized. Repair work of s/s equipments, transformer points and lines are intended at the graphic.
It should be noted at the end, labour protection and technical safety measures are also in the center of the attention. All exploitation staff are instructed by responder plenipotentiary person before carrying out of maintenance repair work and preventing of accidents.