Coming of spring season has increased efficient mood of the state power engineering specialists. The biggest thermal power plant of south Caucasus, by the way, the biggest energy producer of the republic was over February of the current year with successfully technical – economical indicators as last year. It was noted in the information given by Azerbaijan Thermal Power Plant to the Press – release of Azerenergy JSC.
Lets` noted that, about 866 million kWh electric power was produced against 865,8 million kWh prediction in February of the current year.
Under other information given by the source, beside production, repair – restoration work was successfully implemented. As a result of it, technical – economical indicators of units was increased.
By the way, at present, the power plant is operated under the dispatch graphic and five energy units are operated with whole power. Three ones are in reserve.
Lets` noted that, daily energy production is about 21 – 23 million kWh under the dispatch graphic.