Carrying out of capital and maintenance repair work at s/s, transmission installations, decreasing of losses in order to supply the consumers with quality and stabile electric power are the main orders standing in front power engineering specialist. Relevant measures are implemented in the line of it at “Khachmaz” REN last three months.
According to the information given by mentioned enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, the same tensioned neutral of the transformer by 16 MVA number 2 was reconstructed, different setting repair work were implemented at the equipments by 110 and 10 kV of “Khachmaz” s/s by 110 kV. At the same time, oil circuit breakers of “Ganjali” and “Nizova” OHL by 10 kV were capital repaired.
Lets` noted that, repair work were implemented at “Gusar”, “Shabran”, “Siyezen”, “Broyler” s/s by 110 kV. So that, transformer number 2 by 16 MVA were maintenance repaired and disconnector and short closer by 110 kV were substituted with new circuit breaker at “Shabran” s/s. Entrance oil circuit breaker by 10 kV was substituted with modern type vacuum type breaker in accordance to reconstruction work.
Lets` noted that, repair work were also implemented at “Guba”, “Gonagkend”, “Zeykhur”, “Zeyve” s/s by 35 kV. Oil circuit breakers of the transformers and OHL were capital repaired.
Under other information given by the source, different setting repair work were carried out at OHL by 330, 100 and 35 kV belonging to the balance. By the way, the corners of metal anchor and mid stands of “Khachmaz” TL by 330 kV, the I and II “Guba” and “Gusar” TL by 110 kV were repaired, loop circuits were inspected at “Khudat – Yalama” TL by 110 kV, “Yalama – Biliji”, “Zeykhur – Ajakhur” TL by 35 kV, insulators were changed and cutting work were carried out along the line.
By the way, 4 mid stands and 6 anchor wooden stands were substituted with metal stands at “Zeykhur – Ajakhur” TL by 35 kV which supply the consumers of Gusar region with electric power.
It should be noted, fire safety is also in the center of the attention in order to much more strengthened electric power supply, at the same time, increase of exploitation level of TL. So that, fire extinguisher posts were inspected, the territory was cleaned of mass and the territory was covered with gravel during financial period. At the same time, oil leakage of the transformers was prevented.