Stability and quality were much more strengthened and improved as a result of carried out purposeful measures under supervision of the state leader at the country electric energy system. The republic power engineering specialists are always successfully handle these type of work.
Lest` noted that, our people are going to spend Novruz one the holiest holiday in high level. In accordance to increasing of daily electric power requirement, in spite of working of the power plant and network equipments in basis work regime, there are not expected any problem in electric power supply at the organizations belonging to “Azerenergy” JSC. The relevant measures plan was prepared for supplying with electric power during holiday and all opportunities were mobilized.
According to the information given by Energy Production Management of the Joint Stock Company, duties and accident – repair brigades will be operated at all enterprises for supplying of the consumers with quality and regular electric power during seven days intended for holiday. At the same time, planned repair work will be also implemented during these days.
Under the information given by Electric Energy Transmission Management, relevant measures plan was prepared and implemented in the line of supplying of the consumers with quality and regular electric power during holiday. Out of turn control was carried out at all TL and s/s. The enterprises of all Regional Energy Supply Network will be work in strengthening of work regime since 16 th May. Additional material reserve was organized and the number of duty brigade was increased. These brigades will be supplied with transport.
In general, the collective are sure that they will be handle their work in high level during holiday days as other days.
By the way, the subscriber can give information about any problem to 186 – hot line”. The problem will be immediately eliminated by organized operative group.