
The units were technically serviced at Baku Power Plant which was built with applying of the most modern technology as at other energy objects. The power plant is operated under the dispatch graphic since it was put into operation and more than 538,6 million kWh electric energy was produced during 2011.

According to the information given by the power plant to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, about 51,6 million kWh electric power was generated and it is 82 thousand more than predicted.

Lets` noted that, about 105,9 million kWh electric power was produced against 105,5 million kWh prediction during 2 months of the current year.

Under other information given by the source, the collective of the power plant are assiduously try in the line of transmission  of electric power with quality and stability, carrying out  of prediction tasks in successfully way and also actively take part in technical service of the units. Repair work is implemented by the repair brigade of the power plant.

It should be noted that, the next repair work was implemented at all the units except of the units number 2, 6 and 8, the largest technical service was carried out at the units number 4 and 9. At the same time, different setting repair work were implemented at the equipments of the s/s by 110 kV.

By the way, fire safety is also in the center of the attention as at other objects. Oil products and the territory of the power plants were constantly cleaned of dry grass.

Lets` remind that, this power plant is consisting of 12 units total power by 105 MW.