
This year winter was very severe. Temperature was decreased to minimum in comparison with last hundred and ten year, intensively it was snowing and there were some problem in our life.

The quantity of snow may be was more at Gabala one of charming corner of nature  in comparison with other regions.  But there was not observed any serious problem in electric power supply of Gabala. The consumers were without interval supplied with electric power as previously. All these measures show that, the collective of “Gabala Electric Network” was ready to all weather.

According to the information given by Electric Network to the Press – release of “Azerenergy”, more than 99 km of TL by 10 kV was repaired during last year. Two circuit line in 1,5 km distance of the I “Sheher” and the V “Sheher” TL were reconstructed in accordance to carried out renovation work at E. Kerimov str. of Gabala city. At the same time, two circuit line in about 6 km of TL by 10 kV was also reconstructed in accordance to construction of Gabala – Airport way. At present,  reconstruction work of TL by 10 kV were continued.

Lets` noted that, more than 17 km distance was repaired at TL by 0,4 kV. More than 6 km of TL by 0,4 kV and 1 km of part at Nij settlement, Aydingishlag, Zaraghan, Zegerli villages were capital repaired. At the same time, 400 meter of TL by 0,4 kV and more than 2 km part of TL by 0,4 kV at Nohurgishlag and Tuntul villages were reconstructed. In additional, security line of TL by 10-0,4 kV in more than 92 km part were cleaned of green mass.

Lets` also noted that, repair work was operated at the transformer points in order to strengthened of stability of electric power supply. 70 of TP by 10/0,4 kV were repaired. One new transformer by 250 KVA was constructed at E. Kerimov str.

By the way, repair work were also continued this year. So that, about 5 km part of TL by 10 kV was repaired. Five  stands 228 kg AS – 50 conductor, 18 ShS – 10 insulators were used for this purpose. More than 1 km distance of OHL by 0,4 kV were also repaired. At the same time, capital repair work were implemented at 4 transformer points by 10/0,4 kV.