
Important steps were taken in the line of enlarging of distribution electric networks, increasing of generation power in order to supply the consumers with whole and quality electric power. Repair work is successfully carried out at Gusar Electric Network” (EN). According to the information given by mentioned enterprise about repair work at 34 TL by 10 and 6 kV in more than 603 km, 514 balance and non balance complete transformer points by 78,4 MVA to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, 4 stands at “Yasab” OHL number 18 by 10 kV, 5,6 km cable and 40 insulators were substituted with new ones during last three months.  At the same time, height of 9 stands was increased. Beside of them, different setting repair work were implemented at “Gasaba” and “Gullar” TL by 6 kV, by the way, totally 3 km cable and a lot of insulators were substituted with new ones.

Lest` noted that, 22 stands were constructed at TL by 10 and 6 kV, 25 increasing work was operated, 370 wooden stands were repaired. At the same time, 5,5 km line and 270 insulators   were substituted with new ones.

Under other information given by the source, totally 44 iron stands were constructed at the networks by 0,4 kV of CTP number 32 by 400 KVA and number 35 by 630 KVA feeding of “Sheher” TL by 10 kV. In general, 93 stands were changes, 9 increasing work was carried out, 140 repair work was implemented and 1,5 km conductor  was substituted with new one at the network by 0,4 kV.

By the way, different setting repair work were carried out at CTP of  Gadazeykhur, Hil, Kuzun, Bedirgala villages during mentioned period.