A lot of work were carried out at Tartar in accordance to executing of social – economical development State Program of the regions of Azerbaijan Republic in 2009 – 2013. Some measures are implemented in the line of improving of the region electric power supply.
According to the information given by Tartar Electric Network to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, important work was operated at the region energy economy during current year. 75 wooden posts were substituted with concrete ones, 1200 naked conductor were substituted with insulated SIL type ones, 4 transformers were moved from a way, 30 lighting posts were constructed during construction period of Alesgerli – Mamirli – Poladli automobile way.
Lets` noted that, 41 lighting posts were grounded and were supplied with energy at the edge of Duyerli – Aleskerli way. More than 200 modern type lighting posts were grounded, 8 km electric line was installed in some streets of Tartar.
By the way, after repair work 20 transformers were put into operation. Meters were installed for 428 refugees and 125 local people. One high voltaged transformer by 25 MVA was put into operation at the region in order to improve electric power transmission.
It should be noted at the end that, energy suppliers of Tartar are assiduously try to supply the consumers with quality and regular electric power.