The conference by name Azerbaijan electric energy system in 20 years devoted to the 20 th anniversary of Azerbaijan Republic independence repair was implemented on 15 October at Management machinery of “Azerenergy” JSC.
Under the information given by the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, firs of all the participants of the measure were laid flowers on the monument of our great leader Haydar Aliyev at the joint stock company.
The president of the joint stock company Etibar Pirverdiyev was congratulated the participants of the measure with the 20 th anniversary of Azerbaijan Republic independence. The speaker noted about that, our state independence was restored in very complicated history and social condition and also added, concrete steps are taken in the sphere of state creative after return our leader Haydar Aliyev to the power in 1993. The speaker noted about the successes of oil strategy identified by our leader and also emphasized, Azerbaijan was overcame the way equal the century during Haydar Aliyev`s 10 years leadership.
Energy system of our state was also passed a big development way within 20 years, the president of JSC is also emphasized that, now Ilham Aliyev is continuing the strategy identified by our leader and also carried out important reforms and large scaled construction work. As a result of all that, 11 power plants were constructed, more than 1500 MW power was put into operation and 600 MW additional power was got as a result of reconstruction of available power plants at the republic during last 7 years.
Lets` noted that, as a result of carried out purposeful measures our republic became free of electric energy import, the safety of the state power system was supplied. At the same time, available power plants were modernized, supplied with modern equipments and installations. As a result of it, coefficient of the power plants were increased, the quantity of conditional fuel used for the production of electric energy by 1 kV was decreased.
By the way, carried out work and achievements at the republic electric energy during last 20 years were analyzed at the measure. Film dedicated to electric energy system of independent Azerbaijan was demonstrated.