

Repair – restoration and reconstruction work are traditionally implemented at all energy objects of the country.

These type of measures are also implemented at Mahammadi, Digah, Mehdabad, Fatmayi and Novkhani settlements of the republic. According to the information given by energy objects placed at the settlements to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, repair work is enlarging at these territories.

For example, repair work was carried out at the same named TL by 10 kV, 2 disconnectors were constructed at Mahammadi in order to supply the regularity of electric power of the consumers. More than 150 electric stands and 1 circuit cable in 4,1 km distance was changed in accordance to reconstruction work. At the same time, more than 1300 smart – card type meters were constructed there.

Installing of 2 circuit TL in 2,5 km by 10 kV is also included there type of measures. Lets` noted that, mentioned territories and energy objects are belonging to service area of “Baghlar” electric network.

The transformer by 400 KVA at “Digah” TL by 6 kV was repaired and put into operation, other power transformer by 400 KVA was substituted with new one. Installing of cable in more than 3,5 km distance and substituting of the stands with new ones are included to the measures plan. Lets` also noted that, more than 60 meters were constructed for the subscribers supplied with new electric energy.

Reconstruction work was implemented at “Mehdabad” TL by 6 kV belonging to “Baghlar” electric network. So that, more than 10 stands were changed there, cable in 3,7 km distance was installed. As the source informed, maintenance repair work were carried out at three transformers operating there. Other power transformer by 400 KVA was substituted with the same new one. More than 100 electric metes were constructed for the settlement subscribers.

Relevant reconstruction work were implemented at Fatmayi and Novkhani settlements. Beside different type repair – restoration work, a lot of smart type meters were constructed.

It should be noted at the end, carrying out of seasonal measures in time makes opportunity for supplying of the consumers with high level electric power.