

All measures carried out thanks to our public leader’s constant attention and care, makes opportunity in strengthening of social – economical development of city and regions. “Sangachal Power Plant” is put into operation under the dispatch graphic. In general, the quantity of produced electric power was more than 2 milliard 687,3 million kWh since power plant put into operation till (01.02.2011).
It was noted in the information given by the power plant to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC.
As the source informed, more than 135,8 million kWh electric power was produced and it is 1,8 million kWh electric power more than predicted.
Lets` noted that, more than 1 milliard 185,8 million kWh electric power was produced against 1 milliard 163,8 million kWh.
It was also noted under the information given by the source, high results were achieved under technical – economical indicators in January of the current year as last year of in the power plant.
All work at the power plant are constructed in the level of a day. At present, the aggregates are in normal work regime. After 500 hours work time over, the technical view is carried out to every machine according to work regime of the aggregates in the power plant.
By the way, the next technical view was carried out at the aggregates number 2, 16 and 17. repair work was implemented by repair brigade of the enterprise.
It should be noted that, in spite of formulating of work staff meeting the modern requirements at the enterprise, at present, improving of cadres is in the center of the attention. The workers were periodically sent to the special courses.
Lets` remind that, this power plant is consisting of 18 aggregates, total power by 300 MW and it differs from others with gas, black oil and diesel fuel. This power plant much more strengthening the energy safety of Baku and Absheron peninsula.