
According to the information given by “Salyan Electric Network” to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, violation of rule of electric power of 840 consumers were discovered  during carried out spot – checks at the enterprise territory within last year. Infringements were relevantly acted and use value of more than 4 million kWh loosed  electric  power was restored. About 50 % of this sum was relevantly paid during financial period.

Lets` noted stressing to the source that, much more improving of  commission level is in the center of the attention. So that, new line by o,4 kV was installed, more than 9 km line by 10, 6 and 0, 4 kV was repaired under repair measures in the line of repair work of transformer points (TP) and TL.

Lets` noted that, one transformer point was constructed  during financial period and different setting repair work were implemented at 116 transformer points belonging to the enterprise balance. At the same time,  7 transformers by 2,6 MVA were capital repaired and was put into operation.

Lets` noted at the end that, enlightenment measures were operated in order to increase of payment of used electric energy, prevent of illegal use of electric power.