Systematical and purposeful measures are continued at “Shaki Electric Network” in order to much more increasing of electric energy supply. It was noted in the information given by the enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC and energy support of the region is satisfactory, at present, the region is supplying of quality and stabile electric energy during a day.
As the source informed, supplying of the region with energy is satisfactory and capital, maintenance repair work were implemented there, at the same time, systematical measures are operated in the line of improving of electric energy supply. All power and possibilities are directed to increasing of exploitation level of the networks. Some repair work were implemented at the enterprise service territory in order to preparation to season. By the way, more than 6,4 km distance of the lines was repaired during carried out different type repair work at the II, VI “Sheher” TL by 6 kV, “Aydinbulag”, “Gokhmug”, “K.Dehne” TL by 10 kV and at other TL. Analogical measures were implemented at the lines by 0,4 kV belonging to balance. Capital and maintenance repair work were implemented at 16 TP during mentioned period.
Lets` note d that, more than 115,2 million kWh electric energy (more than 62,5 million kWh are belonging to private consumer group) was used under the enterprise during 11 months of the current year, by the way, about 11,6 million kWh (more than 7 million kWh are belonging to private consumer group) was used in November of the current year.
As the source informed, violations of rule of electric power of 545 consumers were discovered at the enterprise service territory during 11 months of the current year. These infringements were relevantly acted and about 1244 00 manat use value of more than 2 million 732 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored.
By the way, 36 violations of rule of electric power was observed in November of the current year, about 128 00 manat use value of more than 2132 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored.