
Purposeful steps are taken in the line of much more increasing of technical economical level at the equipments of “Kurdamir Electric Network”, necessary measures are carried out. According to the information given by the network to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC,  reconstruction work was implemented at “Kurdamir” s/s by 110/10 kV. Oil circuit breakers were substituted with insulating gas circuit breakers.

All security systems were renewed at the network and substituting process of oil circuit breakers with totally new ones at “Mollakend”, “Pirili” and “Akhtachi”  s/s by 35/10 kV are realized.

Lets` noted that, important  steps were taken in the line of renewing of TL by 10 kV. Not only stands but also cables were changed where necessary. These type of measures were implemented at the lines by 0,4 kV. Transformer points are good mending. About 15 km SIL type cable was installed at some villages – Pirili, Erebgubali and Axtachi.

As the source informed, 10 – 15  million kWh electric energy was transmitted to the consumers under the region. Capacity of used electric energy is mainly decreased in comparison with previous years. And of course this process is available in the line of reconstruction and metering work. Construction of two thousand new meters were achieved during current year.  In additional, SIL type measures were  installed where discovered illegal use of electric power.

By the way, number of carried out measures is increased taking into account of cold weather. Much more violations of rule of electric power was discovered at Erebgubali, Pirili, Muradkhan, Akhtachi villages.