
“Astara Power Plant” plays the main role in supplying of the consumers with quality electric power. According to the information given by mentioned enterprise to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, electric energy production and other technical – economical indicators were also in high level since power plant put into operation. So that, 266,9 million kWh electric energy was generated at the power plant during last month. Successful results were achieved in November. So that, 18,6 million kV electric energy was generated at the power plant during last month.

Lets` noted that, technical – economical indicators are in high level as a result of carried out purposeful measures in the line of increasing of work liability of the equipments and increasing of level of distribution and transmission systems.

Intended measures in the line of preparation to autumn – winter season of  2012-2013 was mainly carried out in accordance to order. Seven units were maintenance checked up during 4 months of the current year. In additional, circuit breakers of  units number 1,2 and 9, transformer number 4 and 5 by 25 MVA, special use transformer number 2 were repaired.

Lets` noted at the end that, saving of environment, renovation of  the territory are in the center of the attention. More than eight thousand decorative and fruit trees were planted in the yard of the power plant.