Zardab region is mainly feeding by two lines coming from “Ujar” s/s by 110 kV. They are “Ujar – Seyidler” and “Ujar – Zardab” OHL by 35 kV. Four S/S by 35/10 kV are available at the network balance. Additional two s/s by 35/0,4 kV, one of them service to “Nasos” TL, the other one to “Deyirman” TL.
According to the information given by the network to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, in general, energy supply of subscribers are normally supported without interval electric energy. Implementing of these measures at “Ujar – Zardab” OHL is very necessary.
Lets` noted that, capital and maintenance repair work are influence to quality level of exploitation. The network is supported with without interval electric power.
By the way, maintenance repair work was implemented at all s/s by 35/10 kV, oil was changed there.
It should be noted that, reconstruction of the network is one of priority directions. Measures plan is prepared for totally reconstruction of the network by 10, 6 and 0,4 kV under region center, settlements, villages. The main goal is substituting of all open cables with SIL type ones and construction of smart – card type meters.