
There was not observed any intervals during energy use except of some accidents. Energy loss and some dangerous situations were observed at Garadonlu village consisting of 610 subscribers, because of cables are crossing of yards. At present, all conductors were substituted with cables.

According to the information given by “Imishli Electric Network” to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, substituting with cable process is giving positive results in the line of preventing any technical losses and illegal use of electric power. Analogical measures were implemented at Boshchalar village with about 310 subscribers. At present, necessary measures were carried out at Serkhanli village with about 1000 subscribers. At the same time, line by 10 kV was installed at Garalar village with about 60 houses. In additional, new transformer will be constructed there in a few days. And it will play the main role in supplying with quality and stabile electric power.

Necessary measures were also executed at other villages in accordance to intended graphic.

Lets` noted that, fighting against the consumers illegally use of electric energy is one of the main orders standing in front of the network collective. For these purpose cables are renewed, transformers are substituted with new ones. At the same time, evening spot – check is carried out with participation of workers of “Imishli Regional Electric Networks”.