Relevant measures are carried out at Ganja Regional Electric Network (REN) in order to supply the equipments with much more stabile work regime, by the way in the line of preparation to autumn winter season. According to the information given by the network to the Press – release of Azerenergy JSC, about carried out capital and maintenance repair work at Ganja, Goygol, Samukh, Dashkesen, Shemkir, Tovuz, Aghstafa, Gazakh and at Gadabey administrative territories, supplying of the consumers with quality and stabile electric power is one of the main orders. Different setting repair and reconstruction measures were operated at TL by 35 kV and more tension. So that, transformer number 2 by 125 MVA was substituted with the one by 250 MVA and as a result of it the power was increased. At the same time, insulating circuit breakers and other equipments of were repaired
At the same time, equipments of the IV section at Samuz power plant by 500 kV, circuit breakers and other equipments of Shamkir TL by 330 kV, the I and II Aluminium TL were repaired during this period. Analogical measures were operated at Deliler Dartma and Ganja – 1 s/s by 110 kV.
Lets` noted that, different powered transformers were repaired and put into operation at Mughanli, Mashinqayirma, Melxior s/s by 110 kV and at Guneshli, Yanigli s/s by 35 kV. At the same time, beside transformer, circuit breakers, some oil circuit breakers of Tovuz, Guneshli, Aghstafa s/s by 110 kV and Gedebey, Shishtepe, Duz Resullu and at other s/s were repaired. In general, different powered transformers of other s/s were repaired and put into normal work regime.
Under the information given by the source about, carried out repair work at OHL by 110 – 35 kV, some part of the lines were renewed, stands were changed. By the way, about 1880 insulators were substituted with new ones.
Lets` noted at the end, measures are systematically implemented in the line of fire safety. The territory was cleaned of dry grass, level of oil at the equipments was controlled.