
Two transformers by 10 MVA were capital repaired at Saatli” s/s by 35/10 kV which supporting of the region with electric energy. Capital and maintenance repair work were implemented at different villages and settlements. About 80 transformers were repaired in the line of preparation to autumn – winter season.

According to the information given by “Saatli Electric Network” to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, substituting of the stands, cables with much more quality ones, installing of SIL type cables are belonging to these type of measures.

Reconstruction of the networks by 10 and 0,4 kV, installation of SIL type cables, construction of smart – card type meters make positive influence to the enterprise economical indicators.

Lets` noted that, reconstruction of  low tension network is main order as at other enterprises.  For this purpose, measures plan of will carried out measures in 2013 was prepared. At the same time, preparation work is begun in the line of carrying out of this work.

Lets` also noted that, 440 statement were drawn up and spot – checks were carried out in order to prevent of illegal use of electric power. As a result of it, capacity of restored energy is about 1,8 million kWh. Necessary measures are carried out in the line of paying of value.