
Intended all measures for current year are executed in high level in accordance to prepared graphic. Intended measures for transformers and complete transformer points (TP and CTP), distribution and transmission lines are mainly finished. As a result of it, preparation to autumn – winter is going to be end.

According to the information given by Sumgait Electric Network to the Press – release of Azerenergy” JSC, at present installation of 3 cable line by 6 kV from s/s by 110/35/6  kV  to the city center is continued.

As the source informed, about 50 cable lines by 10, 6 and 0,4 kV were repaired and more than 80 couplings were given to use under repair work graphic, during last three months of the current year. At the same time, more than 4,4 km cable by 10 and 6 kV were installed, 26 stands were constructed. About 20,5 km SIL type cable was installed in accordance to reconstruction of the network by 0,4 kV.

Lets` noted that, reconstruction and repair work were also carried out at TP and CTP belonging to the enterprise balance. So that, different setting repair work were operated at nine TP and CTP and new TP was put into operation at the territory called “Stansiya Sumgait” during mentioned period. At the same time, two transformers by 1000 KVA and 250 KVA were constructed, some transformers were substituted with much more powerful ones.

Under other information given by the source, damages were discovered at meter complete of about 330 consumers during carried out spot – checks at the enterprise service territory in October of the current year.  And 276 of them belongs to private consumer group. Discovered infringements were relevantly acted and more than 415 00 kWh use value of about 6931 00 kWh loosed electric power was restored. By the way, about 2647 00 kWh and more than 158 00 manat belongs to private consumer group. More than 15 % of this sum was repaid  during financial period.

As the source informed, about 2700 violations of rule of electric power were discovered during 10 months of the current year, 2430 of them belongs to private consumer group. As a result of it, about 4431 00 manat use value of more than 7 million 3843 00 kWh (about 4 million 1537 00 kWh belongs to private consumer group) loosed electric power was restored.

More than 67 % of this sum was paid as a result of carried out measures and relevant measures were implemented in the line of paying of the remainder sum.