
Dinamical development takes the main role in the state economy during last years. By the way, carrying out of infructrukture projects are in the center of special attention. So, impelemented new projects at energy sphere are charakterized in construction of new at power plants, s/s, TL.

So that, low tensioned distribution electric networks are commissioned for along years at most residents.

Accorsing to the information given by Electric Energy Transmission Management of the joint stock company to the Press – release of Azerenergy JSC, it is necessery to reconstruct distribution lines. Using of equipments, TL commissioned since 60 – 70 years of last century   was still observed at some territories of the republic. Networksby 10, 6 and 0,4 kV were totally reconstructed at the settlements, at some cities and at region center (Ganja, Mingachevir, Shirvan, Shemkir and etc.) during last period. Modern type SIL type cables were installed and smart – card type meters were constructed. As a result of these type of measures, losses are decreased.

Under the information given by the source, reconstruction work of networks by 10, 6 and 0,4 kV belonging toKhirdalan and Baghlar electric network is one of the main orders. These type of reconstruction measures will be implemented at Khirdalan, Hokmeli, Gobu, At yali, Nubar, Chichek, Guzdek, Mushfiqabad, Masazir, 28 May settlement and at Chayli resident.

Relevant measures under Baghlar network will be surrounded Goradil, Mehemmedi, Fatmayi, Mehdiabad, Dighah, Novkhani residents.

Lets` also noted that, construction of one s/s by 110/35/10 and 14 ones by 35/10 kV are intended at Khirdalan city in accordance to project.

Construction of different tensioned TL during carried out of project measures is very important. For this purpose, substituting of conductor by 35 kV in 62 km, the one by 10 kV in 250 km, the one by 0,4 kV in 535 km with cables are intended. At the same time, installation of cables by 10 kV in 50 km and 0,4 kV in 70 km are intended.

As the source informed, about 70 thousand subscribers were supplied with modern type meters. At present, last version of the project is discussioned at Azerbaijan Scientific - Research and Project – Research Institute.

Lets` noted at the end that,  carried out measures will play the main role in improving of quality inducators at energy transmission and distribution networks, in construction of the most modern equipments of  Europe and as a result of it, much more increasing of exploitation level.