“Mingachevir Hydro Power Plant Chain” takes the main part in the state energy system and in increasing of pick power.
According to the information given by the enterprise to the press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, more than 716 million kWh electric power was generated at “Mingachevir Hydro Power Plant Chain” during 10 months of the current year. More than 22,8 million kWh electric energy was produced in October by hydro power engineering specialist.
Necessary measures were implemented against fire safety at the chain beginning from October. Situation of reconstruction and repair – restoration measures is normal.
Construction measures were finished at s/s by 110 kV of “Mingachevir” HPP. Mending work at the equipments and installation of cables are beginning. 80 % of foundation are ready, construction measures at s/s by 220 kV is carried out.
Different type measures were implemented at hydro turbines number 1, 2 and 3, controlling measures were operated at hydro turbine number 3. Necessary measures are implemented in the line of restoration work of ruined part of channel.