Technical economical indicators are satisfactory as a result of reconstruction of the units at “Azerbaijan Thermal Power Plant” (TPP) which is flagman of the country electric energy system. At present, the power plant is operating under the dispatch office.
According to the information given by the power plant to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, the collective of “Azerbaijan” TPP is successfully spent 10 months of the current year. By the way, the indicators of August is satisfactory. So that, more than 6 milliard 567,3 million kWh was produced during 10 months of the current year. Lets` noted that, more than 636,4 million kWh electric power was generated at the power plant in October of the current year.
By the way, exploitation level of the equipments were much more increased as a result of carried out different type prophylactic measures and it makes opportunity for getting high results at technical indicators.
Under the information given by the source, all necessary measures are systematically implemented in order to continue normal work regime of the power plant at Azerbaijan TPP, by the way, preparation to winter season, quality exploitation of the equipments, decreasing to minimum of accidents. So that, capital repair work was operated at one energy unit, mid repair work was implemented at three energy units and maintenance repair work were carried out at other energy units. 7 Air circuit breakers were substituted with vacuum type ones at the s/s by 330 kV and three compressor equipments were capital repaired. Beside all of them, different type measures were operated at tunnel number 2.
It should be noted that, at present, substituting of circuit breakers at the s/s by 330 kV, repair – prevention measures at the equipments and equipments and construction work at tunnel number 2 were continued.
Under other information given by the source about fire safety, fire safety is in the center of the attention. The territory was cleaned of dry grass and other urgent measures were implemented.
Lets` remind that, power plant is consisting of eight energy units. Power of the power plant was increased from 2000 MW to 2600 MW as a result of reconstruction of the units.