
Purposeful measures were implemented at “Guba Electric Network” (EN) in order to supply energy support during winter season. According to the information given by the network to the Press – release of “Azerenergy” JSC, testing measures were carried out at the transformers, maintenance repair work was operated   at oil circuit breakers by 10 kV of “Guba” s/s by 110/35/10 kV. Repair work was also implemented at electric equipments of s/s by 35/10 and 35/6 kV.

Under the information given by the source, trees along the  trace at the OHL by 110 and 35 kV were cut. Maintenance repair work was implemented at “Gonagkend”, “Canal”, “Nasos”, “Nugedi” s/s by 35 kV. At the same time, some lines, stands and insulators were changed at the network by 10, 6 and 0,4 kV. 41 stands were substituted with new ones at the lines by 0,4 kV, 139 ones at the lines by 6 and 10 kV. 455 insulators were changed, about 14,6  km cable was installed at the region center.

Lets` noted that, cables were substituted with much more quality ones at the transformer points. Disconnectors by 0,4 kV were substituted with new ones.

Capital and maintenance repair work were implemented at transformer points and TL of city and village complex in order to supply region people with quality and stabile electric power. In general, capital repair work was operated at 13 TP and at 17 km of  TL. The equipments were substituted with much more powerful ones at Ispik, Susay, Kusnet, Pashaoba, Gechresh, Geleduz and Amsar villages.

Lets` noted at the end that, modern type vacuum breakers were  constructed at “Gonagkend” s/s by 35/10 kV, oil circuit breakers by 35 kV are capital repaired at the same tensioned “Sohub” and “Gonagkend” TL. New transformer by 2,5 MVA was constructed and changes were carried out at schemes of input  lines by 10 kV at Canal s/s by 35/10 kV.

At the same time, city collective  take part in renovation of region center. So that, modern type lighting stands were constructed, 5 km underground cable was installed at Haydar Aliyev avenue. Lines by 0,4 kV were substituted with SIL type cables at Fetelikhan street.